Safe storage of water is paramount, especially in areas where it faces scarcity. Investment in storage options must ensure safe and reliable access.
Another critical component to reliable water resources is water storage. In the 2021 Infrastructure Report Card, ASCE noted many pipes, pumps and other components of water storage infrastructure are nearing the end of their useful life. The aging, and at times, failing infrastructure leads to significant water loss throughout the year.
Investments are necessary to replace and rehabilitate aging storage infrastructure to ensure safe and reliable water supply throughout the nation. Investing in durable, low maintenance materials such as hot-dip galvanized steel will minimize corrosion and extend the life of many structures. Galvanized steel can be used in both potable and non-potable water storage.
Storage Components
Access Ladders/Stairs |
Aerators |
Buildings |
Fasteners |
Irrigation |
Piping |
Pipe Accessories |
Potable Water Storage |
Pump Stations |
Stands |
Storage Containers |
Tanks |
Tower Structures |
Vents |
Water Trucks |