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Alberta's infrastructure requires immediate upgrades to accommodate growth, diversify the economy, and promote environmental sustainability.

Alberta is a province located in western Canada with a population of over 4 million people. The province's infrastructure includes a range of assets, including roads, bridges, airports, public transit systems, and water treatment facilities.

According to a 2021 report by the Canadian Infrastructure Report Card, the state of Alberta's infrastructure is in moderate condition overall. The report gave a "B" grade to the province's infrastructure, indicating that there are some areas that require attention and investment.

One of the major areas of concern is the province's transportation infrastructure. Alberta has over 31,000 kilometers of highways and roads, but many of these are in need of repair and upgrades. In 2019, the province invested $1.3 billion in infrastructure funding, with a significant portion going towards transportation projects.

Another area of concern is the province's water and wastewater infrastructure. Many of the water treatment plants and distribution systems in Alberta are aging and require upgrades. In 2019, the province announced a $1.3 billion investment over 10 years to upgrade and modernize water and wastewater infrastructure across the province.

In terms of public transit, the province has made some recent investments in Calgary's light rail transit (LRT) system. The Green Line LRT project is currently underway, with an estimated cost of $5.5 billion. Once complete, the line will run over 40 kilometers and connect several communities in Calgary.

Overall, while there are some areas that require attention, the state of Alberta's infrastructure is relatively stable. The province has made significant investments in recent years and plans to continue doing so in the future.