Ancillary Items
Just as hot-dip galvanizing protects steel – ancillary items are placed to protect motorists, inspectors and the bridges themselves.
Beyond the structural and decking components, there are a number of ancillary items on bridges that commonly use hot-dip galvanized steel. These ancillary items support proper drainage, safety, and allow for easier maintenance and inspection.
These items are often ignored or taken for granted, but they play a pivotal role in the overall performance and safety of a bridge. Whether signage and lighting, grating and drainage, or railings and barriers, these items can all benefit from hot-dip galvanizing's maintenance-free longevity.
Ancillary Components
Access Doors | Anchor Bolts | Anti-Suicide Rail |
Box Rails | Breakaways | Cable Barrier Systems |
Catwalks | Delineators | Drains |
Fasteners | Gratings | Jersey Barrier Embedments |
Ladders | Light Poles | Overhead Sign Support |
Overhead Sign Structures | Piping | Pipe Railing |
Pipe Supports | Railings | Scuppers & Drains |
Sign Supports | Steel Divider Barrier |