Highway Structures
We rely on galvanized steel highway elements such as guardrail, signage, and lights to keep us safe on the roadways.
Bridges are not the only place hot-dip galvanized steel is used in transportation infrastructure. Galvanized steel is commonly used in a number of other highway products such as guardrail, light poles, overhead sign structures and gantries, etc. Galvanizing has proven its ability to successfully protect steel from corrosion in all of these applications. These critical highway elements are often hidden or ignored once they are in place, making hot-dip galvanized steel’s maintenance-free longevity in the atmosphere as well as buried in soil or embedded in concrete a great match.
Hot-dip galvanized steel’s maintenance-free longevity also provides life-cycle cost savings, and in recent years, the initial cost of HDG is cost competitive or even less expensive than many other coating options. This cost savings both initially and over the life of the project along with its proven performance has led specifiers to expand the use of hot-dip galvanized steel in the highway products market.
Highway Components
Access Doors |
Anchor Bolts |
Bin-Type Retaining Walls |
Bolts |
Breakaways |
Culverts |
Delineators |
Drains |
Fasteners |
Gratings |
Ground Anchors |
Guardrail |
Guardrail Posts |
Jersey Barrier Embedments |
Ladders |
Light Poles |
MSE Walls |
Overhead Sign Support |
Piping/Pipe Supports |
Retaining Walls |
Signal Light Poles |
Signal Supports |
Sign Supports |
Sound Barriers |
Steel Divider Barrier |
Toll Gantries |
Trench Drains |