In Water
Infrastructure immersed in fresh or sea waters face extremely harsh conditions, amplifying the need for durable, long-lasting corrosion protection.
In the 2021 Infrastructure Report Card, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave inland waterways infrastructure a D. The report noted that more than half of the locks and dams on the nation's inland waterways system are more than 50 years old and in need of major rehabilitation or replacement.
These critical pathways transport more than 575 million tons of cargo annually, worth a total value of more than $229 billion. Log jams due to closures cost $44 million per year, which with proper modernization can be decreased.
In recent years, there have been effort to invest in waterway infrastructure, including the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) in 2020 which included $9.9 billion, and $17 billion in the BIL providing new hope for the future.
It is imperative as waterway infrastructure is modernized, expanded and/or replaced that forward thinking is applied. Water conditions are extremely harsh, so designing with the most durable, long lasting materials is paramount. Hot-dip galvanizing has a proven track record of protecting steel in both fresh and sea water environments. Decreasing maintenance and extending the life of these structures will minimze log jam closures and maximize the government's investment.
Waterway Components
Aerators |
Anchor Bolts |
Barriers |
Bollards |
Buoys |
Catwalks |
Dock Levelers |
Docks |
Dredge Components |
Fasteners |
Floating Docks |
Flood Control Gates |
Flow Restrictions |
Harbor |
Ladders |
Locks |
Mooring Walkways |
Piers |
Platforms |
Railings |
Ramps |
Reinforcing Steel |
Wharfs |
Underwater Cages |