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Utah will receive $360 million for water infrastructure improvements, an area where funding and future planning is desperately needed.

Utah's infrastructure is a vital component of the state's economy and quality of life. The state is home to a population of 3.2 million people, and its infrastructure supports a wide range of industries, including tourism, manufacturing, and transportation. The American Society of Civil Engineers gave Utah a C+ on its infrastructure report card. Here are some key statistics on Utah's infrastructure:


Utah has an extensive network of highways and roads, with over 6,000 miles of state highways and 28,000 miles of local roads. The state's busiest airport is Salt Lake City International, which serves over 26 million passengers per year. The state also has a well-developed public transportation system, including light rail, commuter rail, and bus services.


Utah's water infrastructure is critical to supporting its agriculture, mining, and energy industries. The state has over 1,100 dams and reservoirs, which provide water for irrigation, hydroelectric power, and recreation. Utah also has a robust wastewater treatment system, with over 250 facilities that treat and discharge millions of gallons of water each day.


Utah is home to a variety of energy resources, including coal, natural gas, and renewable energy sources like wind and solar. The state has over 1,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines, which allow energy to be distributed across the state and beyond. Utah also has a growing network of electric vehicle charging stations, with over 300 stations currently in operation.


Utah's telecommunications infrastructure is critical to supporting its technology and business industries. The state has a robust broadband network, with over 95% of the population having access to high-speed internet. Utah is also home to several data centers, which support the state's growing cloud computing and data storage industries.

Overall, Utah's infrastructure is well-developed and supports a wide range of industries. However, like many states, Utah faces ongoing challenges in maintaining and upgrading its infrastructure to meet the needs of a growing population and economy.

Each driver pays this per year in costs due to driving on poorly maintained roads.
Formula funding alone will provide approximately this over 5 years for highways & bridges
$2.6 billion