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Nunavut's infrastructure needs comprehensive upgrades to improve transportation, enhance access to essential services in its remote Arctic communities.

Nunavut is the largest and northernmost territory in Canada, with a population of approximately 40,000 people, the majority of whom are Inuit. The territory's infrastructure is characterized by its remoteness, harsh climate, and vast, undeveloped wilderness areas.

Transportation is a critical issue in Nunavut, with most communities accessible only by air or sea. The territory has a limited road network, with approximately 1,000 kilometers of roads, most of which are unpaved and only connect a few communities. The majority of travel in Nunavut is by plane, with the territory being home to 25 airports, including 11 airports that are designated as major airports.

The territory's energy infrastructure is primarily reliant on diesel generators, which are expensive and contribute to high energy costs. However, there have been recent efforts to transition to renewable energy sources, with several communities now using solar and wind power.

Access to high-speed internet is also a significant challenge in Nunavut, with only about 50% of households having access to high-speed internet. The territory's geography and low population density make it challenging and expensive to install and maintain reliable internet infrastructure.

The healthcare system in Nunavut is underfunded and understaffed, with only one hospital serving the entire territory. The population also faces high rates of mental health issues, substance abuse, and suicide, highlighting the need for additional resources and support.

Despite the challenges, Nunavut has made some progress in recent years. The construction of the Iqaluit International Airport, which opened in 2017, has significantly improved air transportation to the territory. The territory has also invested in expanding renewable energy sources and improving healthcare infrastructure.

Overall, Nunavut's infrastructure faces many challenges, but efforts are being made to address them and improve the quality of life for its residents.