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BIL funding in Maryland will help the state continue to improve its infrastructure to meet the deamnds from congestion and population growth.

Maryland is a mid-Atlantic state with a population of approximately 6.1 million people. The state is home to a diverse economy, including industries such as biotechnology, defense, and healthcare. The state's infrastructure is a critical component of its economy, with well-maintained transportation systems facilitating commerce and travel across the state. The American Society of Civil Engineers gave Maryland a C- on its infrastructure report card.

The transportation system in Maryland includes highways, bridges, tunnels, and public transportation systems such as buses, light rail, and commuter trains. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the state's transportation infrastructure received a grade of C- in 2017. The ASCE report found that 34% of the state's major roads were in poor or mediocre condition, and 32% of the state's bridges were structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.

Maryland's public transit system is operated by the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA). The system includes buses, light rail, metro subway, commuter trains, and a paratransit service. According to the National Transit Database, in 2019, MTA provided more than 290 million passenger trips. The state's public transit system faces challenges, including aging infrastructure and a backlog of maintenance needs.

The state's water infrastructure also faces challenges, including aging water treatment plants and sewer systems. According to the ASCE, the state's drinking water infrastructure received a grade of C+, and the wastewater infrastructure received a grade of C in 2017. The report found that more than one-third of the state's wastewater treatment plants were operating beyond their design capacity, and many of the state's sewer systems were more than 50 years old.

In conclusion, while Maryland has a well-developed transportation system and a public transit system that provides essential services to residents, the state's infrastructure faces challenges. Maryland will need to invest in its infrastructure to ensure that it continues to support the state's economy and the quality of life of its residents.

Each driver pays this per year in costs due to driving on poorly maintained roads.
Formula funding alone will provide approximately this over 5 years for highways & bridges
$1.5 billion