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The majority of bridges needing repair are city/county owned, which means they are likely smaller and could greatly benefit from using galvanized steel.

Iowa is a state located in the Midwestern United States with a population of over 3.1 million people. The state has made significant investments in its infrastructure systems, with a focus on transportation, water, and energy. The American Society of Civil Engineers gave Iowa a C on its infrastructure report card.

Transportation is a critical area of focus for Iowa due to its agricultural industry and reliance on transportation for commerce. The state has an extensive network of highways and interstates, with Interstates 80 and 35 being major corridors. Additionally, Iowa has invested in its public transit systems, with transit systems serving the state's urban areas. In 2019, Iowa had over 2.9 million registered vehicles and an average daily traffic volume of over 51 million vehicle miles traveled.

Water infrastructure is another essential area for Iowa due to its reliance on water for agriculture and industry. The state has invested in systems to address water supply and quality, including reservoirs, water treatment plants, and wastewater treatment facilities. Additionally, Iowa has implemented regulations to manage its water resources sustainably. Iowa has over 500 wastewater treatment facilities and over 3,300 public water systems.

The energy sector in Iowa is mainly dominated by renewable energy, with wind power being the primary source of electricity generation. Iowa is a national leader in wind energy, ranking second in the country for installed wind capacity, with over 11,000 megawatts installed. Additionally, Iowa has made investments in solar power, with over 100 megawatts installed in 2020.

Overall, Iowa's infrastructure is vast and continually evolving to meet the needs of its residents and industries. The state has made significant investments in its transportation, water, and energy systems, but continued investment and maintenance will be necessary to ensure the longevity and sustainability of these critical systems, especially as the state continues to grow and develop.

Each driver pays this per year in costs due to driving on poorly maintained roads.
Formula funding alone will provide approximately this over 5 years for highways & bridges
$3.9 billion